
Prolonged Absence

Dear Reader

When the news became dominated this summer with the uprisings in the Middle East, I ceased to write the News In Poetry. I didn't intend to as such, but my creativity just dried up. The NIP is satirical and undoubtedly light hearted in nature and I didn't have the courage to dive into such weighty issues as the fall of dictators I knew little about.

Yet to continue writing of the trivial at such a time seemed, well, too trivial. It just caught me off guard in the infant stages of this bloggerama and I fled.

But I am endeavouring to return.


Ed. 13/09/11


the hundred miles between us

might seem a little less

if I turn to face the north,

and you the south south west

and holding out our arms

at, say, ten oclock tonight,

I'll tilt my head to the left

and you a little to the right.

it would certainly be worth it,

standing looking like a mug,

to be that much closer to you:

just the distance of a hug.

22 March '11